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This is the old entrance to the King's chamber. As the pyramids were being constructed, these first stones placed kept rain and condensation running off the hall on the way to the survey tower which rests atop the King's chamber with hollow layers. It has the only known hollow zones in the pyramid, not part of a room or hall. Nobody has made any real study of the order of assembly on the pyramids, but this much should be easy to deduct, even if all the stones cannot be imaged yet.

At the entrance you see these four symbols. A few people have thrown their own theories on what these are. Without pride or deception, I must tell you the instant I saw these symbols, I cannot explain it, I read them somehow knowing without a doubt they say ;

Symbol 1: "RESTING PLACE" (the V indicates where an object will come to a point of rest either caught in a crevice or as indicated by the arrow of this shape pointing down.

Symbol 2: "TRUE" or otherwise meaning "FOR". The circle about the direct line indicates truth as opposed to the single vertical line in a circle meaning "FALSE".

Symbol 3: "TRAVEL"  or otherwise known as star travel here, but in the ancient language 1 step above binary, this simply means to move from one place to another.

Symbol 4: "GATE"  or otherwise known as "PORTAL" or "PETACHIA" which is a gate you walk through.




In the time it took to blink an eye, I knew this, but I cannot tell you how I do, I just do. Further, I know the shafts aiming to Orion and Sirius are only there to guide someone there visually before and during the start of the nearly instant journey. This is not some secret machine hiding inside the halls of the pyramid. It is the 9 pyramids working together as a circuit, each covered in gold, each on common ground, each having a sharp peak folding zero point energy beaming a long stream of negative ions into deep space. These are kept parallel by the interlocking nature of charge similar to how a cloudbuster works. An Ark of the Covenant sits inside the queen's chamber. The iris is slowly opened toward what I don't know, since it is known the energy streaming from the iris is known to cut through solid rock. Maybe it was just opened a little? It sits in a room lined with gold to prevent radiation leakage. This was burned off by the Christian crusaders who shot the nose off the Sphinx, and looted all gold covering the 9 pyramids, burying that in 7 vaults across China into the Philippines. The capstone of Cheops was gold platinum alloy. This was necessary since the metal here only, the centerpoint of compression among all 9, would burn off in a process similar to electroplating, through the atmosphere.


In the Queen's chamber, a cold heavy plasma will fill the air until it becomes so heavy, space itself becomes superconductive and through a simple easy meditation process, one standing in the middle of the cubic may transfer not just the code of their soul but matter itself to another distant space using a process only possible through the 7th density where we are living in the 1st. This manifests in all densities but only activates each one in series supported by the previous. In other words, you need to be pulled into the space, so travel to or from our pyramids is most likely not possible unless one is turn on in both Orion and Sirius. That said, perhaps the fantastic mass of those stars was the only key, and you could walk through without any pyramid there. All that is known is that earth does not carry sufficient natural space density for this operation. Perhaps the shafts were used for energy collection, and perhaps the Stargate could lead anywhere.


resting place for the gate.JPG
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