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11.28.2022 UPDATE

My friend, the late Professor John Milewski, had proven it is possible and not too difficult to grow gold in a high temperature microwave oven. Below you can see images taken at 100x magnification of actual gold which was not present before, according to laser spectrometer testing. The gold here exists as a transmutation of ferrite oxides. The pattern is unmistakably zero point in nature. This means, the core of each one is a carrier wave resonator against two different sized resonators in two satellite rings about it, acting as carried waves which will naturally become pump z waves when the atoms split charge under plasma based charge modulation.


I have not perfomed the new method, yet there exists a new method for growing gold far more advanced than using microwaves. Far more productive as well! The solution for this was given to me by nature itself where gold has been found.




gold formed.PNG

John jjjj

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